Our Mission

At Mission Acrylic we're passionate about making a positive impact on our Veteran community and their families. As our Veteran community continues to grow daily, we're seeing issues arise just as fast. From astronomical medical bills, to mental health issues to even smaller things like purchasing new clothing for their children, these are issues were passionate about helping solve.

This is why at Mission Acrylic a portion of every sale goes to a military organization that help Veterans. These organizations will be hand selected by our co-owners, one of which is a Veteran himself. These organizations will be background checked to ensure that every dime given is put to good use. When you sign up for our newsletter you'll receive email updates from our co-founders on what charities we're giving to as well as ways you can get involved and help with the mission. 

For those of you who've already purchased our product or shared our mission we thank you for joining the Mission Acrylic Team. We appreciate all posts, shares, tags and shutouts on social media as well as the comments on our posts.  The more the word gets out, the more awesome products we can make and the more we can help leave a lasting impact on our country's Veterans and their families. 


Stephen and Zachary

Co-Founders of Mission Acrylic